fall inside a hole

Snow Brand Foods Rolling Thomas the Tank Engine Mini Models (1995)

First written December 23, 2024

In 1995 a series of small single-color Thomas the Tank Engine character toys were included as bonus items with Snow Brand Foods (雪印食品) sausages as the Rolling Thomas the Tank Engine Mini Model (コロコロきかんしゃトーマスミニモデル) series. The toys came in small cardboard boxes and have plastic wheeled underframes. The range included Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Clarabel, and a truck with a second wave introducing Bertie the bus, Duck, Skarloey, and Peter Sam.


Snow Sausage Gordon. For their size, the details in the wheels is pretty impressive, although I don't think his coupling rods look quite right... The trains are made of a slightly soft plastic with a harder plastic insert with roller wheels dated 1992.


I have two of these Snow Brand Food Jameses, one with its original box (shown above). I like his cheeky face, and the rest of the engine is molded pretty well too.