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Tomica & Plarail 2003~2004 Catalogue

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This catalogue dates to October 2003 and features much of the revamped 2002-2003 lineup with updated vehicles and new accessories.

New and used in both Tomica and Plarail around this time was the "Alpha" system of near-field communication chips that allowed playsets to make different sounds or say phrases depending on what car or train or accessories are involved.

Unfolding Tomica playsets and one of the motorized car-lift playsets with multiple lanes.

Tomica playsets and Tomica Town buildings.

This "Tomicaland" series of blocks and road produce blocky gravity-powered tracks and were sold for a few years.

Regular Tomica diecast range.

More diecast Tomica cars as well as multi-packs and a note about the then-upcoming Thomas series of Tomica diecasts.

Some Tomica with sound, the last few Motor Tomica cars, and other larger diecast and remote-control BIT CHAR-G cars.

The first and only "Real Sound" train with the Alpha near-field communications system. In addition to the set, a few accessories were released that triggered the sound function.

Sets include the My Town Train series and several sets with PlaKids. The monorail system and trains with the early magnetic connection gimmick trains were also on sale.

Most of the range at this point had been updated to the "S" series of designation with a mix of updated older toolings and new toolings.

Rail and accessories. Many older accessories were updated in new colors and some had small bumps added to the toolings so that PlaKids can securely stand on them.

A few of the well-decorated early 2000s sets that collectors like, and a few railway-exclusive Plarails. The other page shows the revamped Thomas the Tank Engine T-series range with a few characters that were new for 2003.

Sets in the Thomas range at this time were mostly rereleases or continued production of earlier sets, with the first Talking Thomas range still on sale alongside the updated regular range.

Other licensed Thomas toys like the Thomas Big Loaders and Mini Mini Plarail and some other Plarail and Tomica goods.

Tomica and Plarail home goods, books, and capsule series.

The rear cover has a Tomica giveaway wherein you could fill out a coloring sheet and send it in with proof of purchase to get a box truck with your artwork installed inside and the second Thomas photo contest, with the prizes of Plarail "fun boxes" with different amounts of Plarail components inside.