fall inside a hole

2018-2019 layouts

In the summer of 2018 I began importing Plarail trains and accessories for the first time and set up several layouts that would only be up for a day or two at a time. In early summer 2018 I purchased some Plarail double track rails online and built with double rail switches for the first time. I had also recently found some larger U.S. sets including a Talk n Action Magic Rail Set and an incomplete 2006 Thomas Ultimate Set.

Throughout the summer I built several more layouts taking advantage of the double track system and new-to-me accessories like Cranky at the Docks. I continued to try to make it so I could run at least four trains at once. You can see that the majority of my engines and rolling stock were American Motor Road and Rail or later TrackMaster trains.

I really liked how a second line travelling under the green suspension bridge looked and would build something similar into several layouts. Multiple Cranky at the Docks locations soon also became a staple of my Thomas layouts. This layout also incorporated Motor Tomica road and accessories.

Literally the day after I built the previous layout I received my first imported Yahoo Auctions items, components from two Thomas and the Busy Freight Cars sets as well as 2000s Plarail Gordon, Edward, Henry, and Percy. I built a new layout to take advantage of the newly acquired three-way switch tracks.

Again you can see the use of double rail switches and other components. I also incorporated the sheds and turntable which I had never used before.

In the summer of 2019 I built another similar layout, this time with the suspension bridge being extra elevated with a spiral exit and more Plarail accessories. A third Cranky is located just off screen in the lower left. By this time I had enough express coaches to run nice long passenger trains and a good mix of Tomy and TrackMaster trucks.