fall inside a hole


I have been involved in a few robotics projects, mostly FIRST Robotics related, over the past decade or so. I competed in the FIRST Robotics Competition between 2015 and 2018 and have mentored a number of teams in the years since 2018. Most of my effort during the season goes towards mentoring at a shared workspace for several local teams, and the events I attend are usually determined by where they are competing (Southeastern Michigan). I am part of the Everybot team and primarily work on the build documentation. I do not often post on Chief Delphi, but when I do it is usually about old robots. I have worked on a few Ri3D robots and other projects I may try to document in the future.

In high school I began collecting photographs of old FRC robots. At first they were just collected in a series of folders on an external hard drive but eventually I decided I needed a better way to catalog and source them. After sitting on the back burner for a while, I eventually settled on using Shimmie2 to organize the images. Due to the size and nature of the collection, the FRC Archive is its own imageboard (currently primarily covering 1992-2003) and attached wiki (currently primarily covering 1992-1998). It covers photos and videos collected from long-dead websites and odd corners of the internet going back to the first year of the FIRST Robotics Competition, a competitive high school robotics league that began in 1992, as well as my own photos from events I attend and older information that resources like the Blue Alliance and the official FIRST event data do not. Like many other projects, it is a work in progress and is updated when my fixation swings around to robotics again.

It probably seems odd to dedicate an entire tab in the footer of this website to something which takes up so little space compared to the much more extensive Plarail or audio/video sections, but the breadth of the FRC Archive means it stands better alone at its own address with mixed media content fitting the style of a wiki better. Arguably some of the larger sections of this website would also function on a wiki but I want the brunt of this website to function like the late 90s and early 2000s websites that largely inspired it. The personal nature of my collections of physical things lends itself better to this style than the more detached style of pages on the FRC Archive Wiki.

FRC Archive
archive of mirrored copies of photos of FRC robots, matches, and events
FRC Archive Wiki
wiki covering the textual side of FRC's past
My FRC projects
writeups related to various FRC-related projects I have worked on
My FRC files a collection of FRC-related files I have worked on, if only so I don't lose them myself