Name: Mr. Eddie |
Date signed: 12-02-2025 |
Internet address: |
Hello. I am glad to meet you. I am Japanese Thomas the Tank Engine fan. When I looked at this website for the first time, I was impressed! I want everybody to look at this website! I run a website. Is it all right even if I share your site in the website? Thank you very much for your help. This sentence uses a translation site. I am sorry if incomprehensible. |
Name: Mr. Eddie |
Date signed: 12-02-2025 |
Internet address: |
Hello. I am glad to meet you. I am Japanese Thomas the Tank Engine fan. When I looked at this website for the first time, I was impressed! I want everybody to look at this website! I run a website. Is it all right even if I share your site in the website? Thank you very much for your help. This sentence uses a translation site. I am sorry if incomprehensible. |
Name: Mr. Eddie |
Date signed: 12-02-2025 |
Internet address: |
Hello. I am glad to meet you. I am Japanese Thomas the Tank Engine fan. When I looked at this website for the first time, I was impressed! I want everybody to look at this website! I run a website. Is it all right even if I share your site in the website? Thank you very much for your help. This sentence uses a translation site. I am sorry if incomprehensible. |
Name: Dustin Janson |
Date signed: 12-02-2025 |
Internet address: N/A |
Hey All! Super cool being here! |
Name: 941kyuen |
Date signed: 11-02-2025 |
Internet address: Kyuen941 |
これはすばらしいサイトです |
Name: Hecticality |
Date signed: 02-02-2025 |
Internet address: |
I've been reading in the 'Plarail James' page and I don't know this but in 2002, right before most of the painted face models stopped being produced, James had one last variation where they changed the dome paint to be just like the 2003+ James' |
Name: Lynne W. |
Date signed: 01-02-2025 |
Internet address: Na |
Nice site, very informative, thank you.I have a 1963 set of the child guidance building set. (Hubs thinks it's more than one set). Is there anyplace where collectors gather online where I might be able to rehome it to someone that appreciates it? |
Name: Kyle |
Date signed: 27-01-2025 |
Internet address: |
Hi. My name is Kyle, and I fell inside a hole a few weeks ago, looking at all of the Betamax & VHS video tape cases pictured on your web site. Ever since I was a little kid, I have had an interest in audio & video equipment, and I am still a loyal user of both Betamax & VHS today. Whenever I see them for sale in my community, I always buy them. For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the physical mechanics of video tapes, along with the cases they come in & the label sheets included with them, and until I found this web site, I thought I was the only person in the world interested in them. Something else about video tapes which has always intrigued me, and I still do not really understand very well, is the differences between the various grades of tapes; Betamax & VHS tape manufacturers produced the common standard grade tapes along with the more expensive "high grade" & "hi-fi" tapes, but I have never noticed any difference with any of them, and they are also fully compatible with any VCR of either format. I also have an offer for you: I own a few old video tape cases & label sheets which are not pictured here on your web site, which I have been saving. If you are interested, then I can mail them to you, and you can add them to your collection, and post pictures of them on here. Just let me know. |
Name: Kasem Ratana |
Date signed: 18-01-2025 |
Internet address: |
Thank you for your sharing |
Name: Nayuho |
Date signed: 14-01-2025 |
Internet address: |
nice to meet you. My name is Nayuho and I run the "Plarail Museum(プラレール資料館" Thank you for using this as a reference. I saw your homepage. It's wonderful to have detailed information about Thomas that even the museum has not been able to cover. If you don't mind, I would like to include a link to this page in my link collection( Is that okay? I would also like to be able to collaborate on information. Best regards, Nayuho |
Name: Will the Train and Anime Fan |
Date signed: 12-01-2025 |
Internet address: |
I like this site a lot. Being a fan of Plarail trains (both Thomas and non-Thomas), this site is an excellent resource for me. Keep it up! |
Name: Leo |
Date signed: 31-12-2024 |
Internet address: |
This is really a terrific website! I’m recreating some of the Tomy Train range as 3d models, and the pages about them have been a huge help |
Name: Crespo Julien |
Date signed: 26-12-2024 |
Internet address: |
I would like to buy a locomotive for a Tomy Train 3. Do you know where i could buy it ? Thank |
Name: Lee Dillon |
Date signed: 23-12-2024 |
Internet address: C'vic,aus. |
A--If I could, I would edit my first post where I said 1st gen 'Flippity Flyer' to 'Sky Plane'. B--After telling you about the other 4 Big Loader layouts, I found a John Deere Big Loader ..LOL.. yes I too had a chuckle when I stumbled across it-at time of writing this, 2 are listed in ebay if you wanna look. C--So that you don't feel left out after telling you of the Echo's (seem to be) found only in England and Australia, I found another 'Stand-alone'/'Island' Tomy Train-like set that I think is well worth mentioning because it's Made in the U.S.A. :P So far I've found only 1x set also released twice, 1991 and 1992. Both have a lot of noticeable differences=colors mainly, I'll just mention the most note-worthy. 1--SHELCORE, Chug Chug Choo Choo, 1991. Note: green bridge, red cog-ramp. Set n0.01400. 2--SHELCORE, Fun Sounds Railroad, 1992. Note: blue bridge, yellow cog-ramp. Set no.01448. The s'loco has the typical cog molded onto side of back wheels to get up ramp and move trackside things? |
Name: Lee Dillon |
Date signed: 23-12-2024 |
Internet address: C'Vic, Aus. |
G'day, back again after 3 full days down a rabbithole using 1000 failed search words that, in the end; a Youtube video finally gave me the lead on. ECHO TOYS released 1x Tomy Train-like set twice in 1991 and can only be found in England and Australia. And know doubt everyone reading this has seen one/a few but can't find them because of the weird words used on the boxes=you wouldn't associate an "Action Playset" to be a Train Set would you!? I have a few carriages because they're usually found in Lego Bulk Lots. 1-- (green) ECHO, Action Playset, 63pcs, Build-A-Train, 1991, with window to see loco. 2-- (red) ECHO, Action Basic, 63pcs, Electronic Melody Action Playset, 1991, without window, box with Lego-like studded baseplate boxart top boarder. ------- While the trains do have the Lego-Like studs, the BIG noticeable difference (apart from the obvious of the locos and track, and colors), the couplings are no-kidding exact copies of Lego Duplo Trains, even down to the color=black hook and pincer clip. The sets don't have anything 'TOMY' anywhere on them (judging from a distance only). And trying to find these/this Set is EXTREMELY HARD because they're rare as hens teeth. Most times you'll find them mixed in with TomyTrains because they're a bunch of Studs ;) :P lol. |
Name: Osvaldo |
Date signed: 23-12-2024 |
Internet address: |
You're so lucky to have all that Thomas stuff; as a little kid it was my dream to have almost all the Tomy engines as well as the big track sets, but alas, I only ever had a few. |
Name: Lee Dillon |
Date signed: 22-12-2024 |
Internet address: Central Victoria, Australia. |
OOH!! I like it that you quickly took the opportunity to update your site with the "Tipoff" I gave ya as well as linking it to my first 'Guestbook Sign In'. So I've come back with possibly another 4, (possibly more but I think they're just recolored skins of).... Another 4 Big Loader Sets that you may not know about because they use tooled parts (the stopping stations) not seen in previous Big and Big Big Loader sets (and the endless Thomas themed sets). 1, TOMY Tomytime Busy Puppy. (I want to add here that it seems 'Tomytime' was the GB England's line of 'a handful of sets' like,similar to the American designed box with wood grain, but the toys seem 'chunkier' like directed at 2-5yo's, though the Jungle Pinball Machine sound's the most interesting from the line :) 2, TAKARA TOMY Megatron Dump (Truck). 3, TAKARA TOMY Megatron Dump (Truck) 2? 4, TAKARA TOMY Cars (Movie). Sets 2,3,4 have Asian writing, so my guess they were not released in Western Countries. For 10+ yrs I've had a site bookmarked, and now's the time to pass this knowledge onto you - it's another rabbithole site like yours, so have fun for a few days like I did :D lol. Google Search: Big Loader Box Designs > below the list of video directly under 'view all' there should be a site there saying: Weebly, suncollections dot com. |
Name: Lee Dillon |
Date signed: 17-12-2024 |
Internet address: Central Victoria, Australia. |
For over 40 years I searched for the flipping plane toy, not knowing who sold it nor what it was called, whether it was sold in Australia or imported. I finally found one, possibly the last New Old stock left in Australia's existence and was the only one listed on Ebay. It was sold under TOLTOYS (Aus) and called the "STUNT FLYER". Originally this toy captivated me way back in 1980 at the age of 4, and it still does to this very day. Although my memory of it was it's smaller, with transclear tower, all white 'windup' plane-continuing to find my memory is how I found your website, hoping to find other versions (if there is any)(except for the 1st gen 'Flippity Flyer' and Jumbo Jet versions). |
Name: Chris Jones |
Date signed: 12-12-2024 |
Internet address: |
thanks for the L Limited Express write-up. Helped me sort out my collection. (BPT chrisjo) |
Name: karen |
Date signed: 07-12-2024 |
Internet address: |
i appreciate the look of this website, it gives me a warm feeling |
Name: Rusty |
Date signed: 06-12-2024 |
Internet address: Idk |
This is a very interesting site. I will continue to fall into the hole |
Name: ☆Rulpive ☆ |
Date signed: 17-11-2024 |
Internet address: |
This website has shown me so much more Plarail that I've never even seen before! |
Name: admin |
Date signed: 11-11-2024 |
Internet address: |
This is a test entry, because I think some entries have been going missing lately. If you see this entry, the guestbook is (maybe) working again |
Name: Ed M |
Date signed: 09-10-2024 |
Internet address: |
I remember playing with the Tomy Thomas toys when I was little! Thanks for this site, I guess. |
Name: ~Soup~ |
Date signed: 07-10-2024 |
Internet address: |
Can we beat the person who designed the inners of the TNA engine please :) (Nightmare to repair) |
Name: Tyler |
Date signed: 29-08-2024 |
Internet address: |
I could spend hours looking through all the plarail related pages here. :D |
Name: october |
Date signed: 12-08-2024 |
Internet address: |
i must eat your thomas collection |
Name: tlels. |
Date signed: 07-08-2024 |
Internet address: |
hey pretty nice place you got here |
Name: Bozo |
Date signed: 31-07-2024 |
Internet address: |
hey, im not sure if you know about this yet, but theres a red variant of the plarail mail van (not the thomas series) |
Name: vhsmester |
Date signed: 06-07-2024 |
Internet address: |
Hello. This collection of videotapes is impressive. I am also a collector, but I mostly collect European types. I found a lot of interesting things on this site. Greetings from Germany. |
Name: HTC |
Date signed: 22-06-2024 |
Internet address: |
Very fun website to read, I think the oliver page is a little messed up though |
Name: Valea |
Date signed: 14-06-2024 |
Internet address: Mars or something |
This place makes me appreciate Plarail and Japanese Railways as well, a whole lot more. Thanks :) |
Name: Bozo |
Date signed: 13-06-2024 |
Internet address: |
will you make a page on douglas next? |
Name: Chase |
Date signed: 18-05-2024 |
Internet address: wooooooooooooo |
Very informative! Keep up the amazing archival efforts. Cheers! ඞ |
Name: Murdoch the 9F |
Date signed: 16-05-2024 |
Internet address: |
I needed some info for a obscure D51 and this site is perfect! |
Name: Bozo |
Date signed: 09-05-2024 |
Internet address: |
Came here to look at your plarail history stuff, its really insane! you should update this site more often, i want to see some more stuff. p.s i have begun collecting plarail and im blown away by the stuff you have wow |
Name: Leif Pedersen |
Date signed: 05-05-2024 |
Internet address: |
Hi I came around your site during searching for Tomy Merry Go Zoo train repair. Amazing stuff you turned into in a young age. I only collect Bang & Olufsen vintage audio having a complete collection from 1960 to 1980. Around 300 items... Best regards, Leif DK-7330 Brande, Europe |
Name: Destination Realization |
Date signed: 16-04-2024 |
Internet address: I don’t have one yet :p |
Amazing site, when I need to search up more info on a engine, here’s the place to go |
Name: Walter Bennett |
Date signed: 13-04-2024 |
Internet address: Black Mesa Research Facility |
High quality and informative website. I appreciate it! |
Name: Maymay Snow |
Date signed: 02-04-2024 |
Internet address: The depths of the Chesapeake |
heckin’ cool |
Name: may may studio |
Date signed: 28-03-2024 |
Internet address: |
HI |
Name: may |
Date signed: 28-03-2024 |
Internet address: |
this is really impressive i didnt realize how many things you collect/archive :3 |
Name: Westie |
Date signed: 28-03-2024 |
Internet address: Wheaties |
P gud :) |
Name: skibidi toilet |
Date signed: 24-03-2024 |
Internet address: skibidi toiley |
this place is #supersigma |
Name: probnot |
Date signed: 05-02-2024 |
Internet address: |
I just want to say how happy I am that this page exists in the modern world. It feels like the old internet that a lot of us are starting to miss. |
Name: xX1001101Xx |
Date signed: 25-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
very awesome website!! thank you for sharing!! i will be sharing with my friends !!!! |
Name: Super |
Date signed: 25-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
Just skimming over the site and, wow, I am going to have a lot of fun browsing all of this content. |
Name: Jesiah |
Date signed: 25-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
Wonderful website. There is lots of interesting information to read about. It’s really apparent that there was a lot of research, passion, and dedication behind the making of this site. Keep up the awesome work! |
Name: mario |
Date signed: 24-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
mario posted twcie mario is sorry |
Name: mario |
Date signed: 24-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
thank you so much for to playing my game! |
Name: mario |
Date signed: 24-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
thank you so much for to playing my game! |
Name: Dylan |
Date signed: 24-11-2023 |
Internet address: Swepic (Swag+Epic) |
Yappo Yappo Yappo!!!! |
Name: Cyrus |
Date signed: 24-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
Great website. Lots of text. I love to read because my grade is three! |
Name: TidmouthThunderbolt |
Date signed: 24-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
Awesum. |
Name: Brady |
Date signed: 24-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
I love you. |
Name: Noah B (dented_pentax) |
Date signed: 11-11-2023 |
Internet address: |
Pretty cool website, it has an early internet vibe. (intentional or not, still cool IMO.) |
Name: admin |
Date signed: 25-10-2023 |
Internet address: |
This is a test entry. |