fall inside a hole

Odd and Quad eight track cartridges

Over the years of digging through random boxes of tapes I have come across a number of tapes that are odd or more interesting for the story around them than the actual listenable contents. Also included here are some quadraphonic cartridges I have come across

Cartridge repair
Classic rock tapes
Other good tapes
Blank cartridges
Odd and quad tapes

Ford demo tapes

Ford began offering eight track players in their 1966 models, boosting the early popularity and adoption of the format, with Ford offering factory players and even "Quadrasonic" four-channel machines


Quadraphonic tapes

Being a multi-track tape format with a wealth of available programs, a discrete quadraphonic standard was developed that ties the tracks together into two four-channel programs while remaining compatible with stereo cartridges and players, although playing the quad tapes in stereo players

I don't come across quadraphonic tapes very often (most commonly they appear as lone Ford Demo tapes in stacks of otherwise stereo tapes, a remnant of someone's Ford that was never used to its full potential), but when they are cheap I usually buy them just to see what they sound like in quad sound. I've even come across a few that are worth listening to!

Jeff Beck Group's Rough and Ready on quadraphonic eight track
  Carlos Santana & Buddy Miles! Live! on quadraphonic eight
The quadraphonic mix of Grand Funk Railroad's We're An American Band on deep purple audiopak. The American band?
The Eagles One of These Nights on a nice, bright orange-and-yellow quadraphonic eight track

Cleaning tapes

A variety of different eight track head, capstan, and related cleaners were sold for the stereo eight and related formats