fall inside a hole

Tomica World Percy and Bulgy Set (2002)

First written May 31, 2024

The 4763 Percy and Bulgy Set is a 2002 European Tomica World Thomas set which includes Percy, Bulgy, and a layout similar to the older regular Tomica World Large Set. The box shows the Thomas variant of the overpass bridge but with the regular Tomica World (or Plarail) accessories - the set itself comes with the regular Thomas version with four trees. Having seemingly been released fairly limitedly and for not all that long, most copies seem to have originally included a Tomica World VHS.

Set contents
3 pieces
Percy with fuel tanker and mail van
1 Bulgy
3 Straight Rail
1 Half Straight Rail  
20 pieces Sloping Curve Rail Accessory Kit (four each A and B slope curves, 12 mini piers)
2 Straight Road
4 Curve Road
2 T-Junction
11 pieces Tunnel Intersection (Thomas set variant)
1 N Battery  
Some releases Tomica World VHS (PAL)  

Its very neat that this set comes with a standard Percy of the era with fuel tanker and mail van instead of Thomas like most sets. Percy's freight cars are cool, with opening doors on the mail van. The Percy in my copy of this set is a May 2002 example from before the chassis was updated with the new logo and battery catch. The tanker has the plastic rim around the rear coupling screw.

The Bulgy in this set is also from May 2002 and is the updated screwed chassis type.

The Thomas version of the tunnel intersection is always neat, especially with all of its little accessories, and the T junctions allow for redirecting Bulgy around the figure-eight.

I honestly really like this set if for one simple reason - it doesn't come with Thomas! How cool, a set with another engine, a road vehicle and road switches, and some neat freight cars... Obviously the set is not very large, but there is elevation, a cool bridge, and easy way to expand either network... and because it doesn't come with Thomas, it could be used to expand another set that does include Thomas with a new train, road vehicle, and road and rail sections.

Set name 4763 Percy & Bulgy Set Release period 2002, Europe
Vehicle rating Track rating
Accessory rating Overall
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