fall inside a hole

Tomica World

In the late 1990s Tomy began to produce Plarail and Motor Tomica crossover sets for foreign markets. Production for the American, European, and Australian Tomica World range began in late 1997 with sets and trains reaching stores in 1998. The range was in many ways released similar to how Plarail has always been sold, with a series of sets that include trains, track, and, usually, road and a road vehicle as well and companion accessories like train packs and a la carte accessories and track. U.S. market sets were imported and sold both directly Tomy Corporation of America and by International Playthings. As the regular series waned in popularity in the early 2000s, the range was converted over to focus on the Thomas the Tank Engine series of Plarail exports. Before introducing Tomica World, Tomy marketed the Tomy Train range of magnetic, reversing trains that ran on Plarail-style track in Europe and America.


Tomica World sets often included both Plarail and Motor Tomica elements, in keeping with the whole "road and rail" idea.

Set name Description Photo
1998 7420 Basic Set Small oval set with D51 steam locomotive with light, police car with oval of road, crossing with sound, and parallel road/rail straight  
1998 7421 Large Set Road and rail set with Kintetsu Urban Liner commuter train, zoo bus, elevated rail loop and network of road with overpass tunnel
1998 7422 Mega Set Large set with square of track, Tomica railroad crossing, and road network  
1998 7423 Super Deluxe Set Absolutely massive set with two trains and ladder truck on a huge layout with three big loops of track with switches and crossings and bridges...
1999 7425 Medium Set Version of the Thomas Station Set with Tobu Spacia  
1999 7426 Super Set Version of the Thomas Big Set but with 100 series Shinkansen  
1999 7427 Super Mega Set Updated 1999 "Mega Set" with railroad crossing and townhouse with garage
  7428 City Set Set with looping road and rail layouts with E3 shinkansen  
  7429 Tomica World Super Spiral Set Set with two helical towers of track and partially elevated road network  
  7430 TGV Set Very cool set with silver TGV and road and rail station with elevated train line  
  7431 Basic Set Revised basic set with D51, road and rail drawbridge, and road turntable  
  7432 Large Set Large set with 400 series Shinkansen and automatic railroad crossing  
  7436 R/C Set Cool set with elevated section and radio control 300 series shinkansen  
2000 4774 Circuit Gare Routiere/Circuit Gael Deel French/Dutch set with 300X and train station from the TGV Set  
2001 7413 Amtrak Super Spiral Set Large American set with two spiral towers, panel station, and Amtrak train
2001 7414 U.S. Patrol Set Set similar to the Large Set but with 300 series Shinkansen and police car with slightly larger layout  
2001 7416 Loop Road Set Uncommon Motor Tomica-only Tomica World set with teal Honda CR-V  
2001 7417 Steam Train Set "Bucket" set with C12, cattle, and brake van and small loop of track in a red bucket with green lid with integrated track  
  4820 1st Avenue Set Large set with 300 series Shinkansen, red car, station, and two parallel rail/road sections  
  7436 IRC Train Set Rereleased R/C Set with grey track  
  8296 Medium Set American oval with passing loop set with grey rails and blue EMD train  


Individual Tomica World trains were sold in three packs like their Plarail equivalents in red sixth generation-style packaging in Europe, with few individual release trains imported into the United States.

Name Description Photo
1998 7460 Super City Tomica World release of the 300X Shinkansen
1998 7461 Silver Streak Export version of the 883 series Sonic train
1998 7462 Inter Rail    
1998 7463 Tomy Express "Tomy Express" version of the red 485 series Kamome Express
1999 7464 Bullet Tomica World release of the 400 series shinkansen
1999 7465 Virgin Train    
1999 7466 Eurostar Train    
1999 7467 TGV Orange TGV  
  7560 Animal Express Red C12 with action animal cars
  7561 TGV Silver TGV  


Individual battery-powered cars and other vehicles based on Motor Tomica were also sold individually.

Name Description Photo
1998 7470 Taxi Yellow taxi  
1998 7471 Ambulance    
1998 7472 Fire Engine Red fire engine with ladder  
1998 7473 4WD Jeep    
1998 7474 Dump Truck Blue dump truck  
1998 7475 Sports Car Red sports car  
1999 7478 Police Car    
1999 7479 Crane Truck Yellow crane truck  
2000 7570 Petrol Tanker White and red petrol tanker  
2000 7571 Sports Coupe Black coupe  
2000 7572 Dustcart Green garbage truck  
2000 7573 Breakdown Van    


Tomica World accessories were mostly localized Plarail accessories, often with changed stickers where applicable.

Name Description Photo
1998 7485 Rail Bridge Tomica World release of the Plarail Iron Bridge
1998 7486 Rail Drawbridge Tomica World release of the classic red spring-loaded drawbridge
1998 7488 Country Station Plarail Country Station with Tomica World stickers  
1998 7491 Long Tunnel Tomica World release of the expandable block tunnel
1998 7492 Overbridge Pedestrian crossing with Tomica World stickers
1998 7512 Road Turntable Yellow Tomica road turntable with ramp and accessories  
1998 7514 Traffic Lights Operating traffic signal with changing lights  
1998 7516 Road Tunnel Stackable road tunnel that works with the road girder system
1998 7518 Toll Booth Automatic toll booth  
1998 7521 Tunnel Intersection Yellow rail bridge over road tunnel with accessories
1998 7522 Road and Rail Tunnel Road bridge over rail tunnel in the shape of a mountain  
1998 7524 Automatic Construction Site    
1999 7496 City Station Tomica World version of the Plarail City Station commuter platform
1999 7540 Bridge Crossing Rail drawbridge over road with road stoppers and trees
1999 7541 Automatic Crossing Tomica automatic railroad crossing with many small accessories

Track packs

Similar to how Tomy sold Plarail, Tomy Train, and other export series, Tomy also sold Tomica World packaged rail. Instead of plastic bags with hanging tags, Tomica World track and accessories come in cardboard boxes.

Product name Description Photo
1998 7480 Straight Rail Pack of four straight rails
1998 7481 Curve Rail Pack of four curve rails
1998 7482 Adaptor Rail Six of each 1/6 straight joint rail
1998 7483 Points Rail Pair of turnouts
1998 7484 Stop Rail Two stop rails and two buffers  
1998 7489 Girder Six pack of new block bridge girders
1998 7490 Y Shaped Points Rail Pair of figure-eight point rails
1998 7493 Sloping Rail Pack of two sloping rails
1999 7494 Half Straight Rails Six half straight rails originally sold through the Tomy Careline and later in Thomas Motor Road & Rail packaging
1999 7495 Quarter Straight Rails Originally sold through the Tomy Careline, nine quarter-length straights and track adaptors
1999 7497 Sloping Curve Rail Accessory Kit Tomica World equivalent of the R-18 Sloping Curve Rail set with four of each sloping curve and 12 mini block piers
1999 7500 Rail Bridge Supports Six mini stacking piers, first sold through the Tomy Careline
2000 7526 Engine Turntable Small half-straight turntable with seven rail connections  
2001 7585 Extension Kit European track pack with curves, straights, switches, a tunnel, trees, and other accessories  


As the Motor Tomica range was heavily integrated into the Tomica World system, many Motor Tomica accessories released in Japan were also released in the Tomica World range.

Product name Description Photo
1998 7510 Straight Road Four pack of straight road
1998 7511 Half Straight Road Six half-straight road sections
1998 7513 Curve Road Four pack of curved road
1998 7515 Road Girder Six pack of white road girders
1998 7519 T-Junction Blue three-way intersection with road ramp
1998 7520 Crossroads Blue four-way intersection
1998 7523 Sloping Road Two pack of sloped road
2000 7525 Quarter Straight Road Originally Tomy Careline exclusive, a set of eight quarter straight roads

Thomas the Tank Engine series

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Battery Operated Rail System/Tomica City (1997)

In the United States in 1997 Tomy released three sets and three accessory packs based on the Thomas the Tank Engine Plarail series in a single wave of "Battery Operated Rail System" sets. These sets used the yellow packaging with blue border used on other 1997 American Thomas toys from Tomy like the original Thomas Big Loader. This range was referred to as Tomica City in the 1997 Tomy Dealer's Catalogue and includes some seemingly holdover Tomy Train accessories like orange square-based fir/cedar trees and stoplights. Other regions, in particular Europe, continued to get the 1996 Tomy Trains range into 1997 and the Tomy Train Thomas range was still sold into 1997 in both the U.S. and Europe.


Set name Description Photo
1997 1370 Thomas the Tank Engine Starter Set Oval of track with Thomas, Annie and Clarabel, tree and stoplight
1997 1371 Thomas the Tank Engine Standard Set Medium set based on the Plarail Thomas the Tank Engine Basic Set
1997 1372 Thomas the Tank Engine Deluxe Set Battery Operated Rail System release of the 1995 Plarail Thomas the Tank Engine and Bertie Set

Accessory sets

There were no Plarail-style train, accessory, or track packs for this short-lived system, just three accessory sets with trains and track included.

Set name Description Photo
1997 1373 Percy Accessory Set Percy, well wagon, and pair of single/double point rails
1997 1374 Henry Accessory Set Henry, two straight track, and two half straight track
1997 1375 James Accessory Set James and four curve rails 

Tomica World Thomas (1998-2003)/Thomas Motorized Road & Rail (2001-2006)/Thomas Motor Road & Rail (2003-2008)

Thomas-series Plarail products were incorporated into Tomica World from its introduction in 1998 with Thomas-licensed sets, accessories, and trains. Few non-Thomas Tomica World products were released in the United States after the very early 2000s, and in 2001 new American Thomas & Friends Motorized Road and Rail packaging was introduced, with the U.K. also getting a new style of Tomica World boxes in 2001. After the discontinuation of the regular Tomica World production in 2003, the Thomas the Tank Engine series continued to be sold in Europe and Australia as Thomas Motor Road & Rail alongside some carryover Tomica World accessories into 2008, with Tomy continuing to contribute some trains to the 2008 U.K. Tomy TrackMaster range.

Tomica World Thomas Sets

The first Tomica World Thomas sets had yellow "Tomica World" banners going down the left side of the box and used the old full "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" branding. It does not seem that the two sets that were new for 1999 were sold in the United States.

Set name Description Photo
1998 7400 Thomas Starter Set Oval with turnout and Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel
1998 7401 Thomas Medium Set Tomica World version of the Thomas the Tank Engine Basic Set
1998  7402 Thomas Big Set International release of the 1997 Plarail Thomas and Bulgy set with elevated road and rail bridge crossings
1998  7403 Thomas Deluxe Set  An uncommon Tomica World Thomas set with an engine other than Thomas; includes Percy, Bertie, and nice large intersecting rail and road loops with Elsbridge Station Crossing  
1998  7404 Thomas Giant Set  Massive set with the Plarail Giant Thomas and several loops of track and multiple trains  
1999 7405 Thomas the Tank Engine Set Small set with oval of track, turnout, crossing with sound, and Thomas with freight cars
1999 7406 Thomas Station Set Medium-size set with larger outer loop and elevated inner loop with bridge and station

European Market Tomica World Thomas Sets

Starting in 2000 the European Tomica World range received began receiving updated packaging, unique sets, and different trains. The yellow Thomas boxes were redesigned to match the red stripe of regular Tomica World sets, with the new squared-off Tomy logo appearing on boxes in 2001. Australia also continued to receive exclusive sets under the Tomica World name.

Set name Description Photo
2000 7408 Thomas Adventure Set Classic Tomica World set with large red bridge, Harold flying station, and Bertie with road layout and tunnel
2000 7409 Thomas and Cranky the Crane Train Set Australian exclusive release of the Plarail Thomas the Tank Engine Strongman Cranky Set
2000 7410 Thomas & Friends Bucket Set Australian exclusive set that comes in a bucket Can be seen here
2001 7401 Thomas Medium Set 2001 European rerelease of the Thomas Basic Set
2001 7402 Thomas Big Set Rereleased European Thomas & Bulgy set
2001 7405 Thomas the Tank Engine Set 2001 rerelease of the small Thomas the Tank Engine Set
2001 7406 Thomas Station Set Thomas Station Set in a new red box
2001 7408 Thomas Adventure Set Rereleased European Thomas Adventure Set
2001  7409 Talk 'n' Action Magic Rail Set Tomica World version of the Plarail Talking Thomas Set with talking Thomas, sold in Europe and Australia with a British English voice
2002 4761 Thomas Bucket Set Small set that comes in a bucket  
2002 4763 Percy and Bulgy Set Set similar to the Tomica World Large Set but with Percy and Bulgy
2002 7408J Talking Thomas and Harold Adventure Set European Talk 'n' Action version of the Thomas Adventure Set  
2002 7412 A Day Out with James Set Neat set with James, Lorry 1, loops of road and rail, and Caroline at Wellsworth Station  
2002 22303 Thomas and Terence Adventure Set Australian release of the Thomas and Terence Deluxe Action Set, slightly earlier than other export versions
2003 Thomas and Freight Cars Set Australian and later Korean exclusive Tomica World release of the Thomas and Busy Freight Cars Set

American Thomas Motorized Road and Rail Sets

In 2001 sale of most regular Tomica World sets ceased in America and the Thomas range was rereleased in new red and blue Thomas Motorized Road & Rail packaging. The U.S. and Europe would both see unique exclusive sets as well as shared releases throughout the 2000s, until the American range was discontinued to make way for HiT Toy Company TrackMaster toys in 2007.

Set name Description Photo
2001 7401 Thomas at the Station Set Renamed American Thomas Medium Set
2001 7402 Thomas Big Set Rereleased American Thomas and Bulgy set
2001 7404 Thomas Giant Set American rerelease of the massive set with large Thomas and multiple trains  
2001 7408 Thomas Adventure Set American release of the Thomas Adventure Set
2001 7409 Thomas Talk 'n Action Set American Talk 'n Action set based on the Plarail Talking Thomas Set with American accent Thomas
2002 4760 Talking Thomas Adventure Set American Talk 'n Action set based on the Thomas Adventure Set  
2002 4762 Thomas' Railway Fun Set Medium American set with station, bridge, and tunnel with figure-eight style layout
2002 7412 James at Wellsworth Station Mail-order only set with James and the only American release of Lorry 1  
2003 4765 Thomas at the Timber Yard American release of the very cool timber yard set with Thomas and Terence cycling logs around
2003 4768 Thomas Holiday Set Holiday themed set with several set-exclusive snowy accessories and a Talk 'n' Action Thomas
2004 4775 Thomas Ultimate Set Huge set with road and rail, bridges, sheds, turntable, station, and multiple trains and other characters  
2005 4741 Thomas All Aboard Set Small set with station, Thomas, and switch-filled layout
2005 4743 Thomas Water & Coal Station Set American set using a version of the water & coal station used with the Japanese Talking Thomas
2005 4744 Harold's Cargo Delivery Set Set with Percy and the Harold Cargo Delivery destination
2005 4745 Calling All Engines - Thomas and the Airport Set Themed set related to the Thomas DVD special Calling All Engines
2005 4750 Steam Along Thomas Set 60th Anniversary commemorative set with metallic blue steaming Thomas, tunnel, bridge, and station
2005 4771 The Great Race American Thomas and Bertie racing set with railroad crossing  
2006 4749 Water Tower Steam Set Big American steaming Thomas set with water tower, pedestrian crossing, and other accessories
2006 4751 Thomas Giant Set Huge American set with two big bridges, two stations, two engines, sheds, and road network  
2006 4795 Maithwaite Station Set Smaller set with Thomas, truck, and Maithwaite Station
2006 4823 Thomas Engine Wash Set Small oval set with engine wash and Thomas  
2006 4877 Thomas Ultimate Set Huge Toys R Us exclusive set with large green suspension bridge, Cranky, road network with crossing, tunnel, and more

European Thomas Motor Road and Rail Sets

In 2003 portions of the Tomica World range of accessories were repackaged in blue Thomas packaging as part of the Thomas-focused Motor Road & Rail range, with sets also being rereleased in updated packaging.

Set name Description Photo
2003 7400 Thomas Starter Set Small oval set with siding
2003 7401 Thomas Medium Set Rereleased European Medium set with oval with passing loop, station, and drawbridge
2003 7402 Thomas Big Set Rereleased European Thomas and Bulgy set
2003 7405 Thomas the Tank Engine Set Rereleased small oval set with Thomas, crossing with sound, and troublesome trucks
2003 7406 Thomas Station Set Thomas with Wellsworth station and elevated inner loop of track with bridge
2003 4761 Thomas Bucket Set    
2003 4765 Thomas and Terence Deluxe Action Set European Motor Road & Rail release of the very cool operating logging yard with Thomas and Terence
2003 4777 Thomas and Cranky Deluxe Action Set Woolworths exclusive set that combined the Thomas Big Set with Cranky at the Docks, also sometimes sold with an additional train included
2004 4771 Thomas' Big Race Thomas and Bertie race set with intertwined road and rail
2005 4775 Thomas Ultimate Set European release of the massive set released in America the year prior  
October 2005 4745 'Calling All Engines' - Thomas Airport Set Motor Road & Rail Calling All Engines tie-in set with airport, shed, bridge, and nice truck loads
2005 4750 Steam Along Thomas Set European 60th anniversary set with steaming Thomas, bridge, tunnel and station
2005 4828 Thomas Giant Set Motor Road & Rail bonus version of the Giant Set with even more trains and added tower of track  
2005 7396 Thomas and Bertie Set Smaller Thomas and Bertie racing set with railroad crossing  
2006 4827 Sodor Quarry Loader Set Larger set with multiple track routes and Sodor quarry loader, bridge, and station
2006 4926 Thomas and Percy Bucket Set Bucket set with Thomas, Annie and Clarabel, Percy, fuel tanker, and two loops of track Can be seen here
2007 Roller Coaster Mountain Set Huge set with multiple trains and large Roller Coaster Mountain centerpiece  
2007 7397 Thomas and Jeremy Airport Set Cool set with motorized Jeremy the jet, airport, and network of elevated sky track
2007 777908 Thomas, Percy and the Chinese Dragon Set Kmart Australia exclusive release of the Japanese Plarail Chinese Dragon set
2007 789123 Thomas in Roller Coaster Mountain Set Kmart Australia exclusive release of the Japanese Plarail Doki Doki Mountain Set  
2007 Thomas Mega Set Massive Asian and Australian release set with large raised section, suspension bridge, road network, Knapford station, and multiple powered vehicles  
2007 Thomas Bucket Set Australian release of an earlier small Plarail set in a Thomas bucket

Tomica World Thomas Trains

Thomas-series trains were originally sold in their Plarail configurations in hanging three-piece sets. These trains first came in yellow Tomica World packaging with a red style briefly appearing before changing to the blue style of packaging used in a few varieties for most of the rest of the 2000s.

Engine Description Photo
1998 7440 Thomas Thailand-made four-wheel Thomas with Annie, and Clarabel
1998 7441 Toby Toby with Henrietta and troublesome truck
1998  7442 Henry Henry with grey box van and log wagon with logs
1998  7443 Gordon Tomica World Gordon with green express coach
1998  7444 James Tomica World James with cattle van and brake van
1998 7445 Percy Percy with mail van and fuel tanker
1998 7446 Duck Duck with S.C.Ruffy and Toad the brake van
1999 7440 Thomas Six wheel release of Thomas
1999 7449 Diesel Tomica World Diesel with milk and fuel tankers
1999 7450 Oliver Oliver with two red coaches. Not released in the United States

European Tomica World/Motor Road & Rail Thomas Trains

Around 2000 the European/U.K. and American releases began to split. Europe received additional releases and characters that America would not get until years later exclusive to sets or in smaller packs. In 2001 and 2002 red and blue Tomica World packaging was used, with new blue Thomas Motor Road & Rail packaging in 2003 alongside the refreshed plastic-face export engines. New packaging was introduced around 2005. In 2008 much of Tomy's range was released in TrackMaster packaging in the brief U.K. Tomy TrackMaster range.

Engine Description Photo
2000 7454 Lady European release of Lady with matching purple trucks
2000 7455 Diesel 10 European release of Diesel 10 with mustard-colored trucks
2001 7456 Splatter and Dodge Three-pack release of Splatter, Dodge, and double-ended van
2001 7457 Edward Edward with truck and van
2001 7458 Ben Ben with two trucks with clay loads
2002 7451 Mavis Mavis with green breakdown train
2002 7490 Talk 'n' Action Magic Rail Percy Train pack with talking Percy, fuel tanker, and six trigger tracks
2002 4794 Donald Donald with two troublesome trucks
2002 4796 Boco BoCo the diesel with troublesome truck and tar tanker
2002 4797 Stepney Stepney with troublesome truck and grey brake van
2003 7459 Diesel, Freight Wagons, and Cargo Diesel with four troublesome trucks and breakdown crane
2004 4798 Salty Salty with two trucks and tarped crate loads
2004 4799 Harvey Harvey with powered works coach and flatbed
2005 4813 Spencer Spencer with private carriage
2005 4814 Emily Emily with matching coach
2005 4815 Arthur Arthur with truck, van, and fish cargo
2005 4816 Murdoch Murdoch with tender and troublesome truck
2006 4756 Skarloey Skarloey with two narrow gauge coaches
2006 4921 Mighty Mac Mighty Mac with flipping locomotive body and powered coach
2006 4923 Dennis Dennis with two trucks and roof tile loads  
2006 4924 Douglas Douglas with red troublesome truck 
2006 4925 Bill Bill with two troublesome trucks with coal loads  
2007 4916 Duncan Duncan with two slate cars and slate loads
2007 4918 Fearless Freddie Freddie with two green narrow gauge coaches

American Thomas Motorized Road & Rail Trains

In the United States, characters were sold in a mix of the traditional three-pack format, individual and multi-pack engines and cars, and engines with track (and sometimes cars) in a few different box styles. Many characters were not released in the U.S. until years after their original Japanese and European releases. Later on, three-piece sets were primarily sold at Toys R Us, with Walmart and Target more often getting train and track packs.

Engine Description Photo
2002 7457 Edward Three-pack Edward with truck and van
2002 7458 Ben Three-pack Ben with two trucks with clay loads
2002 7490 Talk 'n Action Percy Train pack with American-accent talking Percy, fuel tanker, and six trigger tracks
2004 4807 Percy Value Pack American value pack with Percy, fuel tanker, mail van, and troublesome van  
2004 4808 Thomas Value Pack American value pack with Thomas, Annie, Clarabel, and Toad the brakevan  
2004 Toby Value Pack Toby, Henrietta, truck, and brakevan  
2004 Salty Value Pack Salty, two black troublesome trucks, and Sodor Fuel tanker  
2004  4830 Thomas Thomas in American plastic box packaging
2004 4831 Edward Individual American release of Edward  
2004 4832 Gordon Gordon in individual American release packaging  
2004  4833 Henry Plastic-face Henry in individual American plastic box packaging   
2004 4834 James Individual plastic hanging box release of the plastic-face James
2004 4835 Percy American individual release Percy with painted face
2004 4836 Toby Individual plastic-box release of Toby  
2004 4837 Duck Individual American release of Duck
2004 4838 Ben Individual plastic hanging box release Ben
2004 4839 Diesel Diesel in individual American plastic box
2004 4860 Annie Individual American Annie
2004 4861 Clarabel Individual American Clarabel
2004 4862 Tidmouth Milk Tanker Tidmouth Milk Tanker in individual American box  
2004 4863 Log Car Log car with three logs in individual plastic box packaging
2004 4864 Fuel Wagon Individual fuel tanker release
2004 4865 Troublesome Truck #1 Individual release of Toad the brakevan
2004 4866 Troublesome Truck #2 Plastic box individual release of the troublesome van
2004 4867 S.C. Ruffy Individual release of the "rotting" S.C. Ruffy
2004 4868 Sodor Mail Car Individual Sodor Mail Car in plastic hanging box
2005 7451 Mavis Toys R Us three-pack Mavis with breakdown train
2005 4798 Salty Toys R Us release of Salty with trucks and tarped loads
2005 4799 Harvey Harvey with powered works coach and flatbed
2005 4813 Spencer Spencer with private carriage sold at Toys R Us
2005 4814 Emily Three-pack Emily with matching coach
2005 4816 Murdoch Murdoch with tender and troublesome truck
2005  4847 Thomas with Track  Thomas with two half straight rails   
2005 4848 Percy with Track Percy with two half straight rails  
2005 4852 Toby with Track Toby with two half straight rails  
2005 4854 Edward with Track Edward with four straight rails  
2005 4879 Duck with Track Duck with S.C.Ruffy and four curve rails  
2005 4884 Salty with Track Salty with two half straight rails  
2005 4885 Arthur with Track Arthur with two half straight rails  
2005 4886 Lady with Track Lady with mischievous truck and four curve rails  
2005 4887 Diesel 10 with Track Diesel 10 with sad truck and four curve rails  
2005 4888 James with Track James with four curved rails  
2005 4889 Ben with Track Ben with truck, clay loads, and four curve rails  
2005 4890 Diesel with Track Diesel with milk tanker and four straight rails  
2005 4891 Spencer with Track Spencer with tender and four curve rails  
2005 4896 Stepney with Track Stepney with "mischievous" troublesome truck and four half straight rails  
2005 4897 Gordon with Track Gordon with four curved rails  
2005  4898 Henry with Track Henry with four curve rails   
2005 4814 Emily with Track Emily with four curve rails  
2006 4756 Skarloey Skarloey with two narrow gauge coaches
2006 4923 Dennis Dennis with two trucks with roofing tiles  
2006 4930 Bill with Track Bill with two half straight rails  
2006 4932 Skarloey with Track Skarloey with two half straight rails  
2006 4933 Dennis with Track Dennis with two half straight rails  
2006 5565 Murdoch with Track Murdoch with two half straight rails  
2006 5567 Sodor Crane Set Truck pack with breakdown crane, S.C. Ruffy, and fuel wagon  
2006 5568 Sodor Passenger Car Set American car pack with Henrietta, green express coach, Toad, and the cargo car from the Jet Engine  
2006 5571 Annie and Clarabel Set Annie, Clarabel, milk tanker, and red van  
2006 5581 Mavis with Track Mavis with two half straight rails  

Other vehicles

Tomy sold all of the Thomas-series vehicles produced for Motor Tomica under the Tomica World or Thomas Motor Road & Rail ranges either individually, with road, or in sets.

Name Description Photo
1998  7447 Bertie Individual Tomica World Bertie
1998  7448 Bulgy Tomica World Bulgy individual release
2002 7453 Lorry 1 European individual release Lorry 1
2004 4784 Elizabeth European Motor Road & Rail Elizabeth  
2005 4812 Green Bulgy Motor Road & Rail release of Green Bulgy
2005 4850 Elizabeth with Road American release of Elizabeth with two half straight road pieces  
2005 4851 Bertie with Road Bertie with two half straight roads released in the United States  
2005 4875 Bulgy with Road Green Bulgy with two half straight road  


Originally, a handful of the Thomas-specific accessories from the Plarail range were brought over and adapted for Tomica World/Motor Road & Rail. In Europe, where the range always sold better, more of the existing Tomica World accessories were carried over into new Thomas-styled packaging around 2003.

Name Description Photo
1999  7581 Elsbridge Station Crossing Road and rail crossing with station building, track stopper, and signal box
2002 7503 Talking Percy Expansion Kit American accessory pack with Talk 'n Action Percy and elevation-focused track and accessories
2003 7504 Engine Turntable Rereleased half-straight turntable in European Thomas Motor Road & Rail packaging  
2003 7505 Switchyard and Sidings Thomas Motor Road & Rail track pack with three-way switch rail, three straight rails, three half straight rails, and three buffers  
2003 7506 Cranky at the Docks American release of the motorized Cranky destination with Bulstrode and track
2004 7528 Circular Track Red U-Turn rail with signal available from the Tomy Careline
2003 7531 Station Crossing Accessory Kit European track and accessory pack which basically makes its own set
2003 7585 Extension Kit Thomas Motor Road & Rail packaging version of a Tomica World track pack  
2003 7586 Harold and Windmill Action Scenery European accessory pack based on the Plarail Fun Scene Set  
August 2004 7587 Engine Sheds & Turntable Turntable, five sheds with sidings, and switch wye
2005 4743 Water Tower and Coal Loader Export version of the water tower and coal hopper accessory from the 2004 Plarail More Talkative Thomas set
Early 2005 4880 Sodor Expansion Set American trucks and track pack with truck with drum load, fuel tanker, and brake van
2005 7532 Knapford Station European release of the four-track Knapford Station with included switch rails
2005 7533 Suspension Bridge European individual release of the large green and cream suspension bridge
2005 7588 Harold Cargo Delivery U.K. individual release of the motorized "flying" Harold with magnetic cargo delivery feature
2006 4892 Sodor Expansion Set Track and truck pack with milk tanker, log car, and van  
later 2006 4894 Sodor Expansion Set Rereleased truck pack with drum loads and fuel wagon
2006 7534 Thomas Track Expansion Pack Large American track pack, sold as the Bumper Road & Rail Extension Pack in Europe
2006 7536 Steam Along Thomas Water Tower Individual U.K. release of the water tower for the Steam Along Thomas, also included in the U.S. Water Tower Steam Set
2006 7544 Sodor Quarry Loader Individual North American and later Asian-market operating quarry loader with dumper car
2006 7545 Sodor Engine Wash Train wash with spinning brushes and moving "water" effect released in the U.S., Europe, and Asia  
2007 7398 Roller Coaster Mountain Large spiraling mountain piece with steep drop released in Europe  
2007 7589 Cranky and Bulstrode at the Harbour European release of the Cranky destination with single/double point rails
2007 7590 Sodor Rail Yard European accessory pack with two double switches, stopper platforms, buffers, and signs to make a four-lane train yard

Tomica World/Motor Road & Rail Catalogues

Tomica World and Motor Road & Rail catalogues and pamphlets. More catalogues and instructions can be seen on the Tomy catalogues page.

Title Description Cover
Tomica World 2000 Catalogue Partial U.K. Tomica World catalogue from 2000
Tomy Tomica World Video 2000 Great British PAL Tomica World Show VHS tape included with some Tomica World sets
Thomas & Friends Preschool Toys and Motorized Road & Rail 2003 American pamphlet showing Motorized Road and Rail and other preschool Thomas toys from Tomy
Tomy Thomas & Friends Toy Catalogue 2004 2004 U.K. Tomy Thomas toy catalogue including Motor Road and Rail and other Thomas toys

In 2006 HiT Entertainment's new toy subsidiary Hit Toy Company began to produce Thomas toys and introduced the new TrackMaster range for most markets outside of Japan beginning in 2007. In America almost all sets and trains immediately transitioned over to their HiT Toy Company-made equivalents, with HiT expanding the range with their own new products as well, while Europe and Australia continued to get Motor Road & Rail in 2007. Starting in 2008 in Europe HiT Toys had a deal with Tomy wherein Tomy would continue to produce engines for three-pack style releases which would have new TrackMaster packaging but still have the Tomy brand attached. Similarly, new sets with the TrackMaster brown track, which had HiT Toys produced engines in them, would bear the Tomy name on the box and Tomy would market the range and, presumably, receive some of the revenue from sales. New engines that Tomy did not produce would be manufactured by HiT Toys, and HiT got to leverage Tomy's brand presence in Europe and particularly the U.K. where the Motor Road and Rail range had been the most successful to transition to TrackMaster. HiT Toys more or less immediately had their own toolings of the Plarail Thomas system that allowed the TrackMaster system to launch quickly and with a fairly complete range (although early distribution was somewhat eclectic and limited in many cases), and it seems that some design and tooling sharing occurred the other way around. When Mattel bought out the rights to Thomas toys outside of Japan (and some other parts of Asia) they acquired all of HiT's toolings and knowledge and also had a readily-formed system still fairly closely based off the Plarail originals. As a side effect of their appearances in early Thomas Plarail Mattel and HiT Toys both ended up producing many pieces of 1970s Plarail rolling stock like the box van and JNR brake van in many alternate colors. More about the TrackMaster range will be compiled when I have the time to go through my TrackMaster collection.

Sets Trains Rail Scenery Tomica Catalogues Thomas series Exports