fall inside a hole

Thomas and Cranky Deluxe Action Set (2003)

First written June 26, 2024

The Thomas and Cranky Deluxe Action Set is a 2003 European Thomas Motor Road & Rail set exclusive to Woolworths in the U.K. It takes the Thomas Big Set and combines it with Cranky at the Docks and replaces Bulgy with Bertie. A later Woolworth's version included a bonus Diesel 10 with matching two trucks and an arguably cooler later Kmart exclusive version included a bonus Salty with two trucks and removable tarped loads. The example shown here was produced in 2007.

Set contents
3 pieces
Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel (2003+ export version)
Straight Rail
1 Half Straight Rails
Curve Rail
Sloping Rail
Stop Rail
1 pair Single/Double Point Rail
Sloping Curve Rail (A type)
2 pieces  Rail Bridge (sides)
Rail Bridge Supports
Straight Road
Half Straight Road
4 Curve Road
2 Sloping Road
Road Girder  
Road and Rail Tunnel
2 pieces
Ffarquhar Station
5 pieces Cranky at the Docks

This set includes a standard 2003-and-on export Thomas with Annie and Clarabel as well as a regular 2000s Bertie with scre holding the body shell to the chassis.

Unlike the regular Big Set, this set includes the grey-topped version of the road tunnel. I believe it should have the falling rocks sign, but my example is missing it. The Cranky at the Docks destination in this example has the updated marks for European sale.

The track and road in this set is all updated squared-off toolings, as is the Cranky base. The mark on the bottom dates the base to July 4th, 2007.

Here is a scanned copy of the instructions for this set.

I really like the Cranky at the Docks destination and the Big set has both road and rail elements so this is a neat expansion.

This is a nice set that adds the very cool Cranky at the Docks accessory to the Thomas Big Set, offering road and rail play plus the additional fun of the Cranky destination.

Set name Thomas the Tank Engine & Bulgy Set
7402 Thomas Big Set
Release period 2003-2006, U.K.
Vehicle rating Track rating
Accessory rating Overall
Notes: Additional train rating star for bonus train versions  
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