fall inside a hole

Tomica World Super Mega Set (1999)

First written June 7, 2024

The 7427 Super Mega Set is a 1999 update of the initial 1998 Tomica World Mega Set with several new accessories. It features an EF65 electric locomotive with containers and car carrier and a Toyota minivan with an automatic railroad crossing connecting the road and rail circuits, both of which have their own accessories.

Set contents
5 pieces Freight engine (EF65), container car (not pictured) with containers, flatbed car (not pictured)
1 Battery Operated Car (Toyota TownAce)
5 Straight Rail
8 Curve Rail
1 Stop Rail  
1 Rail Drawbridge
3 pieces Overbridge
1 Train Station
1 Tunnel
3 Straight Road
1 Half Straight Road
6 Curve Road
1 T-Junction
4 pieces Road Tunnel
10 pieces Automatic Crossing
5 pieces Town House
1 "Point" sign
4 Trees
1 N Battery  

The freight locomotive in this set is the EF65 with a grey flatbed and dark grey car carrier with grey chassis, both with yellow wheels and both missing from my example of the set. Shown in place in some pictures is a later grey flatbed with incorrect grey wheels - eventually I will have to track down the proper flatbed and car carrier. The EF65, like several other Tomica World trains I have, has two production stickers, the first dating to March and the second April of 1999.

The van in the set is an export version of the Motor Tomica Toyota TownAce. It was produced in July 1999.

This set is an expanded version of the 1998 Mega Set with more accessories. The original set included two road intersections and more road but no tunnel, townhouse, pedestrian crossing, or drawbridge. The basic scenic pieces are all rather nice, particularly the station and matching pedestrian crossing, and the road tunnel is very cool when used in a larger Motor Tomica layout, but the two operating accessories are probably the coolest parts of the set.

The automatic crossing catches incoming traffic and holds it until the next train passes or the button at the side of the crossing is pressed. The townhouse has an operating garage where the car can enter and the garage can then be closed and opened again when desired. This set came with a set of Motor Tomica road stickers that could be placed around the layout.

The instructions for this set reveal just how many stickers need to be applied as well as how to play with the different accessories. The graphic for the fright train shows it with a front coupling, and on the battery installation page the Hi-Speed Express Kintetsu Urban Liner used in the Tomica World Large Set.

With all of the accessories, this set is pretty fun - it is not pictured here, but the Motor Tomica car can be put in the car carrier and the containers can be taken on and off the flatbed, and the tunnels and raised road portion are all cool.

Set name 7427 Super Mega Set Release period 1999-~2000, Europe
1999, United States
Vehicle rating Track rating
Accessory rating Overall
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