fall inside a hole

Plarail individual cars

Stylized Plarail logo used in the late 1980 and 90s

At different points in time Plarail has sold individual freight cars, intermediate cars for some trains, and some multi-pack car releases

Sets Trains Rail Scenery Tomica Catalogues Thomas series Exports

Freight Cars (1973)

The first confirmed specific individual car release came with the April 1973 release of the Freight Cars or かもつしゃりょう in the second generation box shown here. The G-22 mark signifies that the box was produced in 1973.

These freight cars all used the same chassis and at the time used the early 1970s couplings. In the future, many of these cars were released individually and in sets as well as some train releases. These boxes are pretty flimsy, and the lower section of my box is missing the little raised platform with the releases name on it. A diagram of the cars appears inside the roof.

These trucks look very nice with contemporary 1970s locomotive toolings.

"Hangtag" releases

In the mid 1960s with the introduction of the fourth-generation "train" boxes several freight cars previously released in sets and with trains were released in individual hang-tag bags, something that expanded in the 1970s with extra intermediate cars for many regular release trains.

1976 Container car Individual release of the 1970 green container car. Also included in some three-pack releases and sets
1976 Refrigerator car Individual release of the white "refrigerated" recolor of the container car
1976 Tank car Individual release grey Shell tanker
1976 Car container car Individual release of the 1970s flatbed with car
1976 Box van Individual release of the early 1970s brown box car
1976 Wood car Individual release of the early 1970s log car with logs
1976 Guard's van Individual release of the early 1970s stubby JNR-style brake van
1979 Livestock car Individual release cattle van with opening doors that reveal animals inside
1979 Mail car Individual release mail van with opening doors that reveal mail and packages inside
March 1980 Car Transporter
Individual rolling stock release of an orange auto carrier with two small cars

Fun Car Sets

On July 15, 1993 a few different hanging plastic bubble-packed packs of freight cars or extra intermediate cars for contemporary and popular trains were released

Year Name Description Photo
Fun Intermediate Car Set A Three-pack of intermediate cars for the 300 and 100 series Shinkansens and the intermediate 24 series "blue train" coach
1993 Fun Freight Cars Set A Three pack of freight cars with small Esso tanker, brake van, and cattle car  
1993 Fun Freight Cars Set B Three pack of freight cars with log wagon and logs, refrigerated container car, and mail van  

Fun Intermediate Car Set A

In 1993 the Fun Intermediate Car Set A (たのしい中間車セットA) was released featuring extra intermediate cars for three popular Plarail trains of the day, the 300 series 2-Speed Nozomi, the 100 series 2-Speed Shinkansen, and the Blue Train 24 series sleeper car. The plastic on this one is yellowed and the tag is torn, but I have no reason to open the 30-odd year old packaging as these trains are common and I have plenty of intermediate cars for all of them

The packaging says of the Nozomi this new type of Shinkansen can run at a maximum speed of 270km/h. It is equipped with pantograph covers and other features that enable it to run faster. Of the 100 series Shinkansen it says this is a Shinkansen that is in service on the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen line. The upper floor is used as a dining car and has green seats. Of the Blue Train it says the train has sleeping cars with beds, and takes passengers to their destination while they sleep. The train is popularly known as the Blue Train because of its blue color.

Play wagon sets

At different points Plarail was released themed multi-car play sets, sometimes like "regular" three-car releases

Year Name Description Photo
March 15 1989
Play Wagon Set
Engineless three-pack with a well wagon with pipes, auto carrier with car, and flatbed with containers
March 1998 Fun Action Freight Car Set Three "action" freight cars with moving elements or removable cargo with a fun theme

Sets Trains Rail Scenery Tomica Catalogues Thomas series Exports