fall inside a hole

My Plarail accessory collection

Plarail is a Japanese toy train system first released in 1959. The Plarail range includes a wide variety of track and trains, accessories, cars, licensed character toys, and exported sets. A variety of stations, tunnels, buildings, bridges, and other scenery and operational accessories have been released for the series over the decades. Shown here are many of the Plarail accessories that I own.

Sets Trains Rail Scenery Tomica Catalogues Thomas series Exports


late 1960s J-01 Tunnel Classic curved tunnel that can be placed on curved or straight rails
1982 J-02 Block Tunnel Tunnel made up of an entrance, two middle, and exit section that can be expanded by connecting additional middle segments. End pieces often used in sets
2007 J-02 Stretching Tunnel A telescoping tunnel that can be stretched out to cover more track
1964 J-03 Iron Bridge Classic single-straight iron bridge
1981 J-04 Big Iron Bridge (大鉄橋) Updated design of two-straight-long iron bridge used into the 90s until the well-known 1997 version
1997 J-04 Big Iron Bridge Well-known large red bridge that is two straight rails long that can be used as a single or dual track bridge
1971/1972 J-05 Drawbridge Classic red spring-loaded drawbridge
1976 J-06 Cross Drawbridge Old orange and red rail-over-rail drawbridge crossing
1999 J-06 Double Track Tunnel Nice double-track curved tunnel with single track on top
1975/1983 J-07 Car Wash Train wash first released in a Round Trip Plarail set and later individually
1981 J-08 New Turntable Short half-straight turntable that is still in the range
1967  J-09 Garage Two pack of classic engine sheds
1978 J-10 Signal Green and later red battery powered operating signals with provided stop rail to connect it to
1976 J-11 Signal Station Signal box with integrated stop rail and functioning signal
J-12 Pedestrian Overpass Classic white pedestrian crossing
J-13 Bridge Girder Older style of bridge support is not made to be stacked. Evolution of early Plarail rail supports
1995 J-13 Cross Drawbridge Redesigned version of the J-06 Cross Drawbridge to work with B/O and Motor Tomica
J-14 Block Bridge Girder Bridge girders that can stack on top of one another to create large and tall bridges and stacked elevated sections
J-14 "New" Block Bridge Girder Updated Block Bridge Girders with a new rounded off molding to allow trains to pass by girders more tightly without hitting them
1968 J-15 Double Track Bridge Girder Bridge piers for the new-for-1968 double track standard
1987/2001 J-15 Mini Bridge Pier "Mini" stacking block girder used in sets since the 1980s
1998 J-16 City Station City-style platform station with kiosk
2003 J-16 Double Track Railway Crossing Yellow double rail-standard railroad crossing based on the New Railroad Crossing  
J-17 New Railroad Crossing Iconic red Plarail crossing with LEGO-compatible crossing signs
1978 J-18 Railroad Crossing with Sound Half-straight railroad crossing with shed that houses ringing bell
1994 J-19 Doll Play Automatic Ticket Gate Station Individual release of the Doll Play station from the Doll Play Ticket Play Station Set with tickets and passenger figure
1985 J-20 Rail Road Crossing Automatic/Manual crossing for Plarail and 1980s Plaroad
1995 J-20 Fun Train Factory Multi-level workshop destination with train elevator, dynamometer, and train wash  
1981 J-21 Electro Railroad Crossing Electronic railroad crossing that plays ringing sound and flashes alternating lights when train passes
  J-21 Large Railroad Crossing Longer, more realistic Plarail crossing with four boom gates and larger crossing signs  
J-22 Elevated Station Updated platform-style station that can be stacked on top of three Block Buildings to create an elevated station. Despite being included in many sets, it was never actually sold elevated
1997 J-22 Double Track Block Bridge Girder Double track-standard version of the yellow stacking block pier
1971 J-23 Country Station Classic countryside station with small open station building, water closet, and tablet exchange system on older examples
1975 J-24 Plateau Station Platform station with bell inside that can be rung by a knob on top
2006 J-24 Clear Dome (Round) Straight track section with clear semicircle dome
1996 J-25 Thomas the Tank Engine Railroad Crossing Station Neat Thomas the Tank Engine station with road crossing numbered in the regular range, compatible with Motor Tomica
  J-26 Thomas the Tank Engine Funny Scene Set Thomas-series accessory with Harold the helicopter, Terence the tractor, and a windmill that are powered when a train stops at their attached track piece  
2008 J-26 Underground Station Stacking, tiled subway station that fits in with the other subway tunnels  
1987 J-27 Chatting Station Panel station-compatible talking station with six phrases and integrated stop track
1999 J-28 Thomas the Tank Engine Boulder and Thumper Thomas the Tank Engine-series accessory with shaking boulder and rotating "Thumper" character
J-29 Horn Rail Rail that plays an electronic "horn" when an engine runs over it. Includes the sides of an Iron Bridge and can be used elevated or not
1989 J-32 Deluxe Railroad Crossing with Sound Railroad crossing with large signs and embedded bell that rings as train passes
1959 Bridge Girder Simple early track support first produced in blue and orange and later yellow into the early 1970s
mid 1960s Station Early platform station that evolved to be more elaborate over time
1968 Double Track Iron Bridge Iron Bridge-style bridge for the double track standard
1968 Merry-Go-Round Carousel from the Child Guidance Kiddie Land set adapted for Plarail
1968 Ferris Wheel Child Guidance Ferris wheel adapted for Plarail
1968 Teacups Spinning teacups ride adapted from Child Guidance Kiddie Land
1970 Railway Crossing First Plarail crossing with automatic weighted boom gates
1971 Bridge Girder (はしげた) 1970s bridge girder first produced in yellow and then orange for most of the 1970s
1972 Turntable Original larger Plarail turntable with gantry
1972 Large Tunnel Subway-style tunnel that can accommodate one or two lines. Produced in grey and later light blue
1973 Big Iron Bridge (だいてっきょう) Original design of a large red iron bridge that spans two straight rails
1975 Subway Station Mid 1970s subway tunnel station
mid-late 1970s Station Blue and orange platform station
1978 Station Platform Late 1970s update on the mid 1960s Station with central kiosk and added sticker detailing
1982 Plateau Lake Diorama piece depicting a small farm near a lake in front of a mountain with included fir tree
2002 Locomotive Depot and Five Mechanics Updated Plarail Fun Factory with five PlaKid workers and two EF65 locomotives

Sets Trains Rail Scenery Tomica Catalogues Thomas series Exports