fall inside a hole

My Plarail rail collection

Plarail is a Japanese toy train system first released in 1959. Over the decades, a wide variety of track, switches, elevated rail, and other track has been produced.

Sets Trains Rail Scenery Tomica Catalogues Thomas series Exports


R-01 Straight Rail Sold as a four pack of standard full length straight track

R-02 Half Straight Rail Six pack of half-length straight tracks
1959 R-03 Curve Rail Four pack (half circle) of curved rails
~1970 R-04 Large Curve Rail Four pack of large radius curves corresponding to the "Y rail" switch outer radius
1968 R-04 Double Track Straight Rail Two pack of double rail parallel straight tracks with overhead catenaries
1968 R-05 Double Track Curved Rail Four pack of double rail curves with overhead catenaries
1975/1984 R-06 Slope Rail Two pack of the "modern" unsupported sloped rails first used in sets. Includes two Block Bridge Girders since 1998
1968 R-07 Bridge Rail Two older sloping rails with arched supports and two Bridge Girders
2003 R-07 2x Straight Rail Four double-length straight rails
1975 R-08 Stop Rail Two stop rails and two buffer pieces
1975 R-09 Reciprocating Return Rail Two switchable reversing tracks for "Oufuku" or Round-Trip Plarail
1997 R-09 Double Track Outer Curve Rail Separate release of the outer radius of double track curve rail
early 1960s R-10 Joint Rail Twelve shorter double concave or convex "joint" rails that measure approximately 1/6 of a normal straight rail sold until the 1/4 straight joint rails were released in 1997
1998 R-10 U-Turn Rail Iconic red turnaround with signal
1974 R-11 Turnout Rail One right and one left turnout rail with the footprint of a normal curve rail on top of a straight rail
1974 R-12 Figure Eight Point Rail One right and one left "figure eight" turnout rail
1974 R-13 Single/Double Point Rail One right and one left parallel single to double track point rails
1978 R-14 Crossing Point Rail Crossover track with switches built in, sold with four half straights for making figure-eights
1968 R-15 Double Track Point Rail Originally a double track crossover switch and an overhead catenary, since 1978 it includes the crossover switch and the "automatic" double track point rail which causes a train to swap tracks when approaching from one side but head straight across from the other
2012 R-15 Double Track Wide Point Rail Turnout that aligns the double rail standard with the wide station-style R-22 Y-point rails  
1978 R-16 Automatic Point Rail Three-way automatic switch with the footprint of a right turnout and single/double track turnout with a half straight rail preceding it. Also includes a signal and a half straight rail
1981 R-17 New Point Machine Three-way switch with large lever to select between tracks. Footprint of two single/double track point rails flipped to opposite sides. Originally with all inboard connectors but later changed to have a convex entrance
1988  R-18 Slope Curve Rail Set of four each "A" and "B" sloped curve rails and 12 mini bridge girders 
R-19 Automatic Turnout Rail Two-way turnout switch that can automatically switch trains between alternating paths. Individual release includes a half straight and opposite regular turnout
1996 R-20 1/4 Straight Rail Three pieces each of 1/4 straight long regular, double convex, and double concave track to replace the old R-10 Joint Rail
2003 R-21 Double Curve Rail 90 degree curve rail  
2005 R-22 Y-Shaped Point Rail New type of wide parallel turnout that separates the branches by a half straight's length
2005 R-23 Flexi Curve Rail    
2007 R-24 Double Track Crossing Point Rail Double track straight rail-length piece with crossover switch
2008 R-25 Underground Straight Rail Straight rail molded into a stacking combinable subway tunnel section
January 24 2008 R-26 Elevated Straight Rail Two elevated straight rails with grey piers and overhead wire holders
January 24 2008 R-27 Elevated Curve Rail Two elevated curve rails with grey piers and overhead wire holders
2008 R-28 Double Track Turnout Rail Pair of very cool double-track switches
1950s-1970s Tansen Point Rail  Odd style of parallel turnout inherited from Tot Railroad
1950s  Yoke Odd style of curvy turnout switch adapted from Tot Railroad  
1964 Y Type Rail Old style of "automatic" turnout that always sends incoming trains to the left. Individual release includes two "turnouts" and two old-style joint rails
1969  Automatic Station Double Rail Track Adaptor rail used with original transfer stations to adapt to the double rail standard 
1975 90 Degree Curve Rail Older curve rail that is the length of two standard curve rails together creating a 90 degree curve. Used in a handful of mid 70s sets, the individual release included two curves and two orange "rail retainers"
1977 Double Rail Parts Set An "expansion pack" to add an outer passing loop to the numbered Basic sets (or just about any other Plarail set)
1990 E-01 Remote Control Controller Controller for the early 1990s remote control switch system
1990 E-02 Remote Control Point Rail (A) Left-handed "A" switch for the early 90s remote control system
1990 E-03 Remote Control Point Rail (B) Remote control right-handed "B" switch  for the 1990s remote control switch system
1996 Y Type Single/Double Point Rail Centered version of the single/double point rail used in some sets and accessories
1999 Elevated Rail Set Oval of a new elevated style of track with integrated barriers and Block Pier integration

Sets Trains Rail Scenery Tomica Catalogues Thomas series Exports